March 14, 2025

Pillar IV: Quality Rural Schooling (MDG, 2 &3; SDGs, 4,9,16 and 17):

Education is one of the most powerful weapons to change a nation (the world) in a single generation. Education is, therefore, one of the most important intervention priority areas of our organization for its many major reasons in our national context.“Education is important at national, local and individual levels. Its benefits accrue both to society and to individuals, and as such provision of education in many countries is paid for at least in part from the public purse.”(Jill, J.,, 2017:331). As it is fully proved, education is the power house of the global dynamism. In the light of this, one of the legendary figures of Africa Nelson Mandela once said that, education is one of the most powerful weapons to change the world…. It is through education a line of competition changes- in which a daughter of a daily laborer becomes the manager of a big industry.  While talking in the frame of the global energy or dynamism of education, there is one first-rate word which is often preceding it in many spaces and known as “Quality”. Quality education is, therefore, said to be a potential to change the nation in a single generation (UNESCO, 2005). These are some of the major reasons that urged us to take this line as one of ORDO’s priority areas.


Given Names: Gemechu Dadi (PhD) Sure Name: Fayisa

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